What is STEM like at New River Elementary?
What is STEM?
STEM means Science Enginerring, Technology, and Mathematics! At New River Elementary School, we are constantly focusing on our school’s key priorities, centered around a yearly focus, connecting it all to the Deer Valley District Strategic Plan, and goal setting within each classroom. It is those actionable steps, collaboration, and focus that will support the pathway to success. We believe these are ALL of our students and strive to develop the whole child!
A STEM-focus prepares students to think critically as they collaborate with their colleagues on projects that are integrated with Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Mathematics. Our vision is to prepare our students to become the innovators, educators, researchers and leaders that can solve the most pressing challenges facing our world, both today and tomorrow. It is our desire as educators to focus on 5 key STEM strategies for authentic learning experiences. Those 5 key strategies identified are: problem solving, exploration and aligning to the real-world, evidence to support discussion, reflection, and taking risks and/or perseverance.
From Kindergarten to Sixth grade, we recognize the importance of letting students know the intended learning outcomes, how collectively they will work towards that desired outcome, and their responsibility as a learner. STEM is integrated into many subject areas and monthly projects occur. In turn, this effects all students and through reflection on their work it empowers them to take even more ownership. This ownership will contribute to self-confidence and the love of learning.
New River is gearing students up for success in STEM!